I thought to share some (mostly) productive procrastination resources. Students often ask where they can find good up-to-date news, views and scholarly commentary on developments in international politics, law, human rights and social science. Well here are a few suggestions…
Practical resources
An excellent guide to the nuts and bolts of writing research and grant proposals can be found here.
Sage advice on how to right a ‘good bad’ review.
International politics, law, human rights and social science
PhD Studies in Human Rights Blog (a weblog for students engaged in doctoral studies in the field of human rights. It is intended to provide information about contemporary developments, references to new publications and material of a practical nature)
P.a.p.-Blog (Filip Spagnoli’s blog about human rights – including political and economic human rights seen from the perspective of politics, art, philosophy (hence p.a.p.), law, economics, statistics, psychology etc.)
The Monkey Cage (a blog by political scientists to, in their own words, publicize political science research, provide informed commentary on political events and issues, to think aloud and indulge non-academic interests)
Opinio Juris (a forum for informed discussion and lively debate about international law and international relations)
open Global Rights (openGlobalRights aims to provide a multi-lingual ezine platform for discussing global human rights. See related post by Samuel Moyn ‘Human rights are superficial’)
Human Rights at Home Blog (a distinctive blend of scholarship, academic/personal reportage, international and US-centric coverage of the human rights problematique)
Theory Talks (an interactive forum for discussion of debates in International Relations with an emphasis of the underlying theoretical issues)
Conversations with History (‘conceived as a way to capture and preserve through conversation and technology the intellectual ferment of our times’. Interviewees include Robert Keohane, Joseph Nye, and Kenneth Waltz, among many, many others)
News and views
A variety of news sources offering distinct perspectives and insights on topics of the day (NB. switch on critical antennae).
US National Public Radio (NPR)
Al Jazeera (info on Al Jazeera)
Russia Today (info on RT)
International Service for Human Rights (the ISHR is an international non-governmental organisation based in Geneva, at the heart of the United Nations human rights system. It supports the work of human rights defenders with the United Nations human rights system).
The Duck of Minerva (‘international politics in theory and practice…and some other stuff’)
Thomas P. M. Barnett, ‘Globlogization’
David Bosco ‘The Multilateralist’ Foreign Policy blog
Crooked Timber blog (eclectic coverage of philosophy, politics, current affairs…)
Daniel W. Drezner, ‘Global Politics, Economics and Pop Culture’, Foreign Policy blog
Richard Falk, ‘Citizen Pilgrimage’, blog
Jay Ulfelder, ‘Dart-Throwing Chimps’ (political scientist blog)
James Vreeland, ‘Vreelander’ blog
Stephen Walt, ‘A Realist in an Ideological World’, Foreign Policy blog
The great and the good
A choice selection of extra-curricular brain food.
2012: What is your favorite Deep, Elegant or Beautiful Explanation at www.edge.org
www.truthdig.com (‘We seek to offer a solid and reliable resource for those of you who want to explore particular topics by drilling deeply.’)
Andrew Sullivan blog ‘The Dish’
Ian McEwan in interview at The Guardian, April 3, 2012
Adam Curtis ‘The Power of Nightmares’ and all of his other documentaries
Mark Kermode’s film reviews and blog